
(403) 728-3467

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, you find it attached to the rest of the world.

- John Muir, Conservationist

With the upgraded wildlife hospital building now complete and running smoothly, our focus has shifted to a new visitor centre for you! Although the hospital is the cornerstone of our organization, we have learned over our 40+ years that without educating the public on what is injuring wildlife, we are simply a "band-aid solution".

This facility is being constructed with high quality materials ensuring that it will last many decades into the future. Included in the plans is a beautiful, indoor pond, giving our waterbirds a spacious place to recover, along with providing viewing for our visitors. We will also have a comfortable theatre for groups receiving educational presentations, a mini wildlife centre for kids to enjoy make believe play time, an expanded gift shop with even more locally made items, and peaceful spaces for connections with nature. Our educational displays will change regularly and with the seasons, making it an enjoyable experience for visitors to return to over and over again.

Want to be a part of the journey? You can help by donating today. Click here and be sure to choose "New Visitor Centre Project" under where you'd like your donation to go.