Building respect for people, animals, and the environment through wildlife rehabilitation, education, and research. Two owlets sitting on a tree branch © Lori Kupsch
Have you found an injured animal?
Call (403) 728-3467. Get assistance with catching, handling, transport, and first aid.
Wildlife Conflict
Many of the species that we often refer to as "pests" have become problems to people, often because of the environment that we have created.
Learn about reducing hazards in your yards and how to deploy wildlife friendly deterrents.
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Burgers & Beer on September 21
Ever felt that you were born in the wrong era? Always wanted to don a flapper dress, headband and long gloves, gangster fedora, or y...
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MRWC is a registered charity and your donations are not only greatly needed but tax-deductible as well. The support of our donors is what keeps us working to save Alberta’s wildlife.
Our Supporters
Medicine River Wildlife Centre is dedicated to honouring our donors by making the absolute best use of every dollar gifted. We look for items at reduced costs, search out free items, ask for charitable rates and adhere to the Ethical Fundraising and Financial Accountability Code.
As major donors of our recent Hospital Upgrade project and now generous contributors of our new Visitor Centre project, we give sincere thanks to:
Generously Donated By
Ruth & Dorothy Bower
Just For Kids
Calling all superheroes! Do you love wild animals? Want to help protect them? You have more power than you know and can make a big difference for our environment. Keep on growing and learning every day and you can change the world!
Children's Book Series
Through the Eyes of Otis the Owl
This one-of-a-kind book series, designed for children, is narrated by real-life animal educator, Otis the Owl. An extension of the popular in-school program, these books not only entertain but teach kids simple ways to protect our environment and the creatures living within it. This is a very unique and exciting series that is sure to inspire its young readers.