Medicine River Wildlife Centre receives more than 2000 injured and orphaned wild animals from caring members of the public each year. Close to 300 of these are raptors. The term "raptor" includes all birds of prey - hawks, owls, eagles, and falcons.
During the winter of 2013 a terrible storm collapsed the roof of the aging flight compound, causing irreparable damage, injuring 2, and killing 2 of the resident eagles. After many years of preparing and planning, a new and more durable enclosure is now under construction. This structure is integral in the rehabilitation process by providing a safe space for the recovering raptors to learn to fly again after their injury, preparing them for release back into the wild. This new enclosure is designed with high end materials, making it capable of lasting many decades into the future. It will include 8 cages under one roof, varying in sizes, in order to accommodate all raptors, from the tiny Pygmy and Saw-whet Owls, to the majestic Bald and Golden Eagles, and everything in between.
Your support is needed. Let’s raise the funds together to see this project realized and support the rehabilitation and release of Alberta’s birds of prey.