
(403) 728-3467

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, you find it attached to the rest of the world.

- John Muir, Conservationist

"Are you ready for a stinkin' good time?

These little critters are so much more than their spray. Let's learn!


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Skunks spray an extremely offensive odour to make predators go away and leave them alone. If they feel their life is in danger, they have no other defence as they cannot run fast, climb, burrow under the ground, or fight.


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Skunks have only 2 tbsp (30ml) of spray and it takes them more than a week to re-supply. They cannot spray every day as they will simply run out. Skunks use spraying as a last resort only as if they run out, they are defenceless against predators.


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If its life is threatened, a skunk can spray a predator from up to 10 feet away, making for an effective defence.


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Skunks do not want to spray. If you scream, yell, run, jump up and down, or throw things at it, you will cause it to spray as it will think it is under attack. It is very important to stay calm, still, and speak gently until it wanders away.


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Skunks have a very poor sense of sight. They rely on their other senses to find food and keep them safe. Because of this, they are easily startled. If you come across a skunk, be sure to make some gentle noise so they know you are there.


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Skunks are omnivores, meaning they like to eat just about anything! In the wild they eat bugs, small rodents, berries, and eggs. Unfortunately, people leave out garbage and compost which has lots of tasty snacks that appeal to skunks. It’s important to keep these things cleaned up so skunks cannot access them.


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Skunks are efficient diggers and love to create a safe den underneath of anything that is close to the ground and stays dark. Near people, they love to choose decks and sheds. Keeping structures well off the ground, well lit, or closed in properly with wire under the ground will ensure a skunk does not move into your space.


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A natural and normal litter size is generally no more than 4. Within urban areas where people leave out garbage, compost, and pet food and leave decks and sheds available for denning, a perfect habitat is created. People often are upset by lots of skunks so begin trapping and relocating them without taking away the reasons they are there in the first place. This causes skunks to start having larger litters and have been known to give birth to as many as 12 babies at a time.